Get All Permissions - Get all permissions defined in the current solution
This action scans the whole model hierarchy to find all the permissions
defined within the current solution.
A typical usage of this action would be to provide a security officer with the
list of all permissions that can be asigned to users (or to certain role players).
Then, if the model is updated and a new permission is defined, it is
automatically presented to the security officer, and only users assigned with
the new permission are allowed to perform actions that require this permission.
Notice that this action does not depend on whether any user in the system
has any specific permission (or if users are defined in the system at all).
In other words, it has nothing to do with the dynamic nature of assigning
permissions to users, but only with the relatively static "permission space"
that is defined in the model. For a discussion of assigning roles to users
and granting permissions to roles, see
Check Permissions
Exit [required]
<Permissions> (repetitive text exit [required]):
All permissions defined within the model of the current solution.
For a permission to be defined, at least one of the following should hold:
- There is at least one model
whose requiredPermission property has this permission as its value
(for example, if some actions require the "Update" permission,
then each of them should have a requiredPermission property
with the value "Update").
- There is at least one
Check Permissions
model with this permission as the name of one of its exits.
Usage Examples
Test1 (need to complete)